Diamond is a fiery mineral. It is contraindicated for the proximity of the minerals of the Earth (opaque stones), as well as stones of Air, the connection with which leads to mutual destruction. Energetically, a diamond is incompatible with topaz.
The most expensive stone will not always endure the proximity of stones that are close in the element and equal in rank. Sapphires, emeralds, rubies, and alexandrites are considered acceptable and beautiful combinations in jewelry. These gems, usually, act as the main insert, complemented by a diamond scattering. The combination with pearls is considered an aristocratic classic.
Diamond Healing power

Lithotherapists know the healing power of diamonds. This stone fights mental problems, harmful addictions, aging of the body, infections, diseases of internal organs. A rare green gem – an assistant to women in the struggle for the happiness of motherhood. You can read more about the healing properties of diamonds here.
Mineral magic
A diamond is a stone for leaders, confident individuals. This is a powerful talisman and strong defender. Diamond will endow the owner with determination, fortitude, protect against bad influence, reveal strengths, and increase self-esteem. A diamond will endow a person with optimism, attract good luck.
Important! Evil will turn the stone into evil even against its owner. A diamond must be presented as a gift, otherwise, a person will feel its properties only 7 years after purchase or will not feel it at all. A woman should be presented with a diamond by a man. For married women, a diamond is the keeper of the hearth, and for single women, it is a shield that will not allow the marriage.
Fantasy stones are also endowed with special powers. Blue, for example, improves the functioning of the body, and at the magical level, it acts as a symbol of devotion. The yellow stone is the companion of believers. Red serves as a spiritual “purifier”, and pink embodies tenderness, femininity.

A versatile stone. Each of the zodiac signs will discover the benefits of this talisman. The stone is best suited for signs.
Aries. Perfect compatibility. Courage, determination, and good luck in Aries life are guaranteed.
Sagittarius. A symbol of success in life. A lion. The mineral will make Lviv calmer, harmonizing the inner world.
Libra. The amulet will give them determination, the ability to take responsibility.
Only Pisces is strictly forbidden to wear a gem.
As for the names, the diamond goes to the patrons of men with the names Ivan, Ilya, Lev, Vsevolod, as well as women with the beautiful name Inna.
The luxury and brilliance attracts aristocrats, young girls, and mature ladies. The best friend of the diva Marilyn Monroe won the hearts of the entire female half of the globe. Hard but fragile. Strong yet graceful. The talisman of luck and determination. Eternal, indestructible, great.
Recommendations for product care
The royal gem needs decent care. Despite its high hardness, is a fragile and capricious stone. You can clean your jewelry at home:
With a light soapy solution (laundry soap is excluded), wiping with a soft cloth. Soaking in alcoholic liquid. Medical alcohol, vodka, or ammonia are suitable. Afterward, the plaque is removed with a cotton pad.

The gold setting can be cleaned with denatured alcohol. Cleaning is carried out with gloves to avoid greasy marks from contact with the skin. Special compounds for metals can damage the stone. Is also afraid of soda, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, manganese, vinegar. The best option is to take the item to a jeweler for cleaning. Diamonds are too expensive gems to ruin with awkward care.
Jewelry is not worn at home, in a tanning bed, gym, or on the beach. It is recommended to store jewelry in natural stone boxes and special soft bags. Overheating or dropping the diamond can crack.
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